Forum User Guide

Welcome to the BBTS Discussion Forum!

This forum has been set up to provide a place for members or participants to search for information, read and post about topics of interest in BBTS, and learn from each other. You will find:

The board where you can post questions and answers – we’ve created a series of overarching Categories under which you can post questions (otherwise known as Posts)

New Categories can be added by the BBTS moderators according to the hottest topics within BBTS; of course if you have any suggestions of your own (or other forum ideas) just get in touch at

Quick login instructions to enter the BBTS Discussion Forum

  1. Go to the Forum page on the BBTS website -

At the top of the site is a Sign In link, or alternatively at the foot of the Category or Post is a button to login - click one of these buttons.

  1. Sign in with your email and password

  2. If you've forgotten your password and need to reset it, click on Reset Password link

How to use the forums

Note: if a user adds a post or replies, then notifications for that thread are auto switched on (below):

Still not sure how to login or gain access? email

Rules of Engagement when using the Forums

Here are a few rules of engagement (what you can expect, and what we can expect of you):

  • You are essential to the BBTS Community, and we encourage you to read, respond, post your own questions, search for answers and offer help and advice to others. We want the community to be appropriate, friendly and informative for everyone.

  • We encourage you to visit often and participate.

  • Constructive posts – be positive and constructive with your posts; please treat others with consideration.

  • Stay on topic and be as specific as possible about your problem or solution.

  • Ask your best questions. Chances are someone has a solution or can point you in the right direction. If you find a solution that works, let others know and pass on your own tips and insights. You might just have the answer someone else needs!

  • Remember to thank community members who have helped you. Show your appreciation by giving kudos to helpful posts, accepting a solution that answers your question, or posting thank-you replies.

  • Play nice. If any participant displays poor behaviour – inflammatory remarks, rants, trolling, profanity, spam, disrespect to each other or the moderators etc, they will be automatically removed from the forum and their comments deleted.

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