British Blood
Transfusion Society

Discussion Forums

Welcome to the BBTS Discussion Forums

Below you will find a list of our current Forums and Discussion Topics. Registration to access each forum is free and simple. Existing BBTS members should log in above with their account details and request access to their forum(s) of choice. New users should register here to set up an account and request access. Or simply click on the forum you would like to register to access and complete the registration form.


Our Forums

TP Forum

This forum is for all UK & Ireland Transfusion Practitioner's (this includes all staff who work in haemovigilance & patient blood management) It was developed by the BBTS TP Group as an exciting opportunity for all TP's to come together to discuss and share challenges, ideas, resources, and experiences. This forum is free at the point of use and is supported and funded by BBTS

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